SoLLM – A LLM AI solution architect bot – Personal AI Portfolio
The project name is: SoLLM – A LLM AI solution architect bot Description: People who looking for a solution , a stack for developers can visit the site and get recommendation from Claude 3 Haiku – one of the best LLM AI model nowadays.
AI Portfolio Website. Gibran Maximiliano Barrera Soto. CV Zone.
AI Portfolio using AI and streamlit. Thank you very much Murtassa´s Workshop… Could you do a project like jarvis from iron man? That would be awesome… Mixed with CV
My portfolio website
I am a junior developer who just started taking interest in computer vision and python with ai, i was amazed by the bootcamp and with whatever little i know i created a simple project and i look forward for the judges to like it (though it's not so great) anyways i am happy to have […]
My portfolio website
I am a junior developer who just started taking interest in computer vision and python with ai, i was amazed by the bootcamp and with whatever little i know i created a simple project and i look forward for the judges to like it (though it's not so great) anyways i am happy to have […]
My portfolio website
I am a junior developer who just started taking interest in computer vision and python with ai, i was amazed by the bootcamp and with whatever little i know i created a simple project and i look forward for the judges to like it (though it's not so great) anyways i am happy to have […]
My Portofolio Wbsite
I am Eklavya and this is my project for the contest. I had created this project in hurry because I was out of Town on the last day of Bootcamp. I have added some images of output of my previous projects in the Gallery . I am also Learning computer vision from your previous videos […]
My Portofolio Wbsite
I has completed my portfolio website for the contest. I am Sorry for the delay of 2 days to submit my Website because I was out of town and Please Ignore my repository name in Github which is “repo”. I had done all the things which you taught in your live stream into my website. […]
Personal AI Portfolio
Eddy Jimenez Entry is the website
Pool Shot Predictor – YOLOv8, OpenCV, CVZone
In this project, I started by applying image processing techniques to select the green color on the pool table. This involved converting the image into the HSV color space and thresholding it to obtain the contour of the green color. Once the contour was obtained, I used YOLOv8, an object detection algorithm, to detect the […]