CV Zone contest / Car counting and detection
Car counting and detecting using Yolov5 and image processing technique with python. I used custom dataset. In the training process, the accuracy rate is 95% within 50 epochs. FPS rate is still high in testing.
i’m using Yolov4-tiny for detection.Then use Euclidean Distance for identification. This model can work on computer without GPU.
Avesome Car Counting With YOLOv4 Tiny
It is a TRUE and REAL tracking the cars project.
Drone Surveillance
YoloV5 + DeepSort
Drone-based Car Counter
This is my submission for the contest. I used deep learning to detect cars. For more detail, please contact me via Linkedin:
Junk Cars Counter | YOLOv4 | Opencv
Here, detection is based on YOLOv4 custom weights trained on given video as dataset and manually annotated images, and used EuclidDistanceTracker algorithm to track the detection. For more projects:
This is my response to the "Drone surveillence contest" conducted by cv-zone.I have used a simple method called frame differencing for detecting the movement of the cars in the junkyard and i have assigned a unique id to all of them.I works pretty well but by using more advanced machine learning algorithms like yolo3 or […]
Drone Surveillance Contest – Kareem Hamdi
My name is Kareem Hamdi i'm 15 years old, i have built a junk yard car counter program for the Drone Surveillance Counter contest. Thanking you murtaza workshop for giving us a oppourtunity🖤
Drone Surveillance using Python and Opencv
I have used Opencv for detecting cars. I have used Canny edge detector for detecting edges.
Drone Surveillance Contest – Kareem Hamdi
My name is Kareem Hamdi i'm 15 years old, i have built a junk yard car counter program for the Drone Surveillance Counter contest. Thanking you murtaza workshop for giving us a oppourtunity🖤