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Computer Vision With Arduino

What will you learn?

Why This Course ?

Our goal for this course is very simple, to take you from point A to point B. Where point A is no experience with Arduino and Computer Vision Projects to point B where you get enough experience to create your own Arduino and Computer Vision Projects.

Arduino Computer vision Path

Some Basic Examples


Control an RGB Led using Python and Arduino

Servo Motor

Control exact angle of a servo motor using Python and Arduino along with exciting graphics


Real-time Potentiometer control with saving data in a text file

Some Project Examples

Conveyor Belt

Hardware assembly and software development of a complete conveyor belt system to sort colored objects.

Face Tracking

Detect and follow a face using Computer Vision along with 2 axis PID Control.

Lamp Gesture Control

Control the brightness of a Lamp using your hand gestures.

Computer Vision Arduino CVZone

Face Door Lock

Open your room door with your face as the key. Learn to implement the latest face recognition method.

What people say about us?

We like to keep it simple

Do I need to be an expert to take this course?

A Big No No. We are going to start from the basics and like any other programming language you just need to know the concepts of programming not the syntax to get started. Even though the concepts will be advance we will cover them in simple and beginner friendly method.

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No.1 Ranked Courses

Our Computer Vision Courses rank No.1 on Google and Youtube
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The base salary for Computer Vision Engineer ranges from $87,194 to $113,804 with the average base salary of


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What people say about us?


Hi, this is Murtaza Hassan, founder of the Youtube channel “Murtaza’s Workshop- Robotics and AI“. I the past few years I have created over 150 free tutorials and taught over 1 Millions students in the field of Computer Vision. I believe in learning by example, not solving made up weird questions in a book. That is why I use step by step programming tutorials that start from scratch till the finalization of the project. 

If you would like to learn how to use Computer Vision to solve real world problems, then this is the course for you. Here we will start with the basics and then build up to exciting and practical projects that can be used to solve real world problems. 

Yes, all the videos and coding files will be available for you for lifetime after the purchase. 

To start off with the Computer Vision practical journey the best option would be to go with the Basic version. But if you would like to take your skills to the next level by creating lots of projects, then the Advanced version is a must. 

After purchasing the course you will get access to all the video tutorials along with the coding files and the resources, through our website. 

No, but we do expect that you have basic understanding of OpenCV and Computer Vision. If you are new to the field of Computer Vision then we recommend that you take our free “OpenCV in 3 Hours” Course.

Yes, of course. The first Chapter of the “Basic Course” will be available as a demo on YouTube. But this will be available when all course versions are launched, and at that time the course price would be full amount, as the preorder time period will finish. 

Since this is a practical course, you will be requiring some hardware e.g. Arduino, Potentiometer, Servo motor etc. Each chapter will have a list of hardware required. But don’t worry we mostly use inexpensive hardware that is easily available in any electronics store.

  • Python Basics
  • OpenCV Basics 
  • Arduino Basics


If you have any more quires, Please contact us at contact@computervision.zone, and will get back to you as soon as possible. 


Computer Vision With Arduino
Computer Vision With Arduino


$ 110
  • CVZone Exclusive Arduino Library
  • Basics of Output Devices
  • Graphical Interface of Output Devices
  • Basics of Input Devices
  • Graphical Interface of Intput Devices
  • Project 1 - Face Detection RGB LED
  • Project 2 - PID Face Following
  • Project 3 - Angle Finder
  • Project 4 - Lamp Gesture Control
  • Video Tutorials
  • Coding and Resources Files
  • Circuit Diagrams
  • Lots of Sensors


$ 148
  • Everything in Basic
  • Project 1 - Face Recognition Door Lock
  • Project 2 - Conveyor Belt System
  • Project 3 - Custom Object Counter
  • Plus Bonus Projects



Dual Course
$ 237
  • CV Arduino Basic + Advanced
  • CV Mobile Apps
  • Advanced Drone Programming
  • CV Game Dev Basic + Advanced
  • CV Jetson Nano


3 Courses
$ 350
  • CV Arduino Basic + Advanced
  • CV Mobile Apps
  • Advanced Drone Programming
  • CV Game Dev Basic + Advanced
  • CV Jetson Nano


All Courses
$ 582
  • CV Arduino Basic + Advanced
  • CV Mobile Apps
  • Advanced Drone Programming
  • CV Game Dev Basic + Advanced
  • CV Jetson Nano



$ 1997
  • 9 Courses
  • Computer Vision Jetson Nano
  • Advancned Drone Programming
  • Computer Vision with Arduino (Complete)
  • Computer Vision Mobile Apps
  • Computer Vision Game Development (Complete)
  • Computer Vision Web (Complete)
  • Computer Vision Interactive Games
  • Smart City & Computer Vision (Complete)
  • AI Drone Programming Educator (Complete)