Lane Follower

Grant Permission to the port 
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0
Change the mode to 5W for using with USB power
sudo nvpmodel -m1
sudo nvpmodel -q
by: Murtaza Hassan
Youtube: Murtaza's Workshop - Robotics and AI
import cv2
import numpy as np 
import ColorModule as cm 
import ContourModule as cnm 
import SerialModule as sm 
ser = sm.initConnection('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600)
frameWidth = 360
frameHeight= 240
flip =  0
## The camera parameters should be in a single line
camSet='nvarguscamerasrc !  video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), 
width=3264, height=2464, format=NV12, framerate=21/1 
! nvvidconv flip-method='+str(flip)+' ! video/x-raw, 
width='+str(frameWidth)+', height='+str(frameHeight)+',
 format=BGRx ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw, format=BGR ! appsink'
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(camSet)
hsvVals = [[0, 0, 0], [179, 56, 255]]
perror = 0
def trackObject(img, conFound, pid, perror):
    if len(conFound)!= 0:
        x,y,w,h = conFound[0][2]
        cx = x+(w//2)
        cy = y+(h//2)
        hi, wi, ci = img.shape
        cv2.line(img, (wi//2,cy),(cx,cy),(0,0,255),2)
        ### Pid 
        error = wi//2 - cx
        posX = int(pid[0]*error + pid[1]*(error-perror))
        posX = int(np.interp(posX,[-w//4,w//4],[-40,40]))
        perror = error
        sm.sendData(ser, [37,posX], 4)
        sm.sendData(ser, [0,0], 4)
    return img, perror
while True:
    success, img =
    mask, imgColor = cm.findColor(img, hsvVals)
    imgContours, conFound = cnm.findContours(img, mask, 2500, drawCon= True)
    h, w, c = imgContours.shape
    imgContours, perror = trackObject(imgContours, conFound, [1/4,1/6],perror)
    #cv2.imshow("Image Color",imgColor)
    #cv2.imshow("Image Contours",imgContours)
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):